Nuclear Brunette

Just another weblog

Hello world! June 19, 2009

Filed under: Miscellaneous — nuclearbrunette @ 12:18 am

For the record I had thought about starting some kind of Nuclear Energy blog about a month ago. I just never thought I would have more than a post or two in me and I kind of put the idea aside. Wednesday I attended the American Nuclear Society annual meeting in Atlanta, first to present a paper and then to work as a student assistant. In all honesty I was kind of dreading the session that I was supposed to work. It was called Focus on Communications: Telling the Nuclear Story and the second half was on the New Media. Now, as a 20 year old trying to find a niche in an industry dominated by men who have kids who are older than me I was not looking forward to some session on what this generation saw as “New Media”…which for them I expected to be cell phones that were smaller than a microwave or something. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the panel was comprised of legit bloggers who knew how to operate technology that had come on to the market since the turn of the century. It was exciting for me to see that there was this very real vibratn community of people who were not just content with working in a power plant or working with nuclear science but wanted to share that excitment with others. 

And so I’ve started a blog…kind of.

As a bit of a disclaimer I am probably not going to be the most religious poster on my own page. I have set up a twitter account. I plan on using this frequently because I am much better at composing 140 character comments than a whole blog post. I also wanted some kind of identity in case I decide to contribute my two cents on someone elses blog (which I intend to do). 

The reason I wanted to have some kind of page at all was so people who saw me comment would have some idea of who I am because I do not fit the typical stereotype of someone interested in pursuing nuclear engineering (although this is changing…thank God). 

My name is Meg Schroeder. I am going into my third undergrad year at Georgia Tech and I am pursuing a degree in Nuclear & Radiological Engineering. Currently I am in my first co-op work term at INPO in the Industry Analysis department (if anyone in the industry has ever used the Plant Information Center (PIC), Just In Time (JIT) trainings, seen a Topical Report …it  is that part of INPO). While I cannot admit that it is exactly what I pictured myself doing as a nuclear engineer, so far it has been an incredibly valuble experience and I have learned a LOT about the industry. 

Even though my studies keep me busy, I find time to be a member of Georgia Tech’s Rowing Team (tried to fit the word ERGS into a title for my blog but it didnt work out), an officer in my sorority Alpha Xi Delta (oh yea…did I mention that I’m a girl?), I am a Georgia Tech tour guide, and I am a Math TA. 


and for the record I’m somewhere between a blonde and a brunette but NuclearBlonde was already taken on twitter…so much for my Elle Woods tribute. (Legally Blonde).


In closing I would like to say thank you to John Wheeler (This Week in Nuclear), Rod Adams (Atomic Insights,), Dan Yurman (Idaho Samizdat) who sat on the panel and inspired me to stop thinking about blogging and start bloggin, and Kirk Sorenson (Energy From Thorium) who was not only there but has two daughers under the age of 9 who have memorized the entire periodic table. 

